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How to Get to Lhasa from Hong Kong - by Train or Flight?

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The distance from Hong Kong to Lhasa is around 2,423km. There is no direct train or flight to Lhasa from Hong Kong, so for the tourists traveling from Hong Kong to Tibet, they need to transfer in Chengdu, Guangzhou, or Xining of mainland China.

Basically, there are 4 easy and convenient ways to transfer from mainland China to Tibet by either train or flight, select one based on your personal preferences and budget.

Different Travel Routes from Hong Kong to Lhasa

Generally speaking, there are 4 major ways to reach Lhasa from Hong Kong and each has its merits and demerits.

Way 1: HK---flight---Chengdu---flight---Xining---train(24h)---Lhasa


This is the second fastest way to access Tibet. You can first fly to Chengdu, one of the major overland gateways to Tibet, and enjoy giant pandas and later board Xining-Lhasa train, the essence of Qinghai-Tibet Railway, to Lhasa. In addition, it only takes around 24 hours from Xining to Lhasa by train. The train ticket booking is much easier than booking Tibet-bound trains from Beijing and Shanghai during peak travel season.

Meanwhile, taking train to Lhasa can effectively minimize the potential altitude sickness risk for travelers who start your journey from places with low or minus altitude.

Disadvantage: none

Way 2: HK---flight---Chengdu---train(44h)---Lhasa


This travel route is cost-effective and promises great sightseeing in Chengdu and stunning scenery for the train ride from Chengdu to Lhasa. Meanwhile, travelling to Tibet by train can allow your body to have gradual ascent from basin to plateau with extreme altitude. In other words, it can prevent you from developing acute altitude sickness symptom (such as shortness of breath, headache, fatigue, loss of appetite, dizziness, insomnia, etc.)

Disadvantage: Compared with travelling to Tibet from Xining-Lhasa train, the Chengdu-Lhasa train takes much longer time, around 44 hours.

Way 3: HK---flight---Chengdu---flight---Lhasa (the entire fly itself only takes around 5:30h, transfer to airport not included)


Most time-saving and efficient, so far this is the fastest way you can find to travel from Hong Kong to Tibet.

Disadvantage: higher cost and higher risk of developing altitude sickness due to abrupt ascent.

Way 4: HK--- Kowloon-Guangzhou Train (2h)---Guangzhou---train(52:41h)---Lhasa

Benefit: If you are a big fan of train journey, this travel route to Tibet will be the ultimate journey you are looking for. After you take Kowloon-Guangzhou Train to Guangzhoug and then you can board Guangzhou-Lhasa train and spend the next 52:41hours from the south all the way to central and west of China and eventually reach Lhasa. During the long train journey tourists can have the bigger picture of the most diverse landscapes and cities in China.

Disadvantage: For the elderly or small children, the lengthy train ride (4980km from Guangzhou to Lhasa)could be a huge challenge and potentially make them feel restless and drained.

Tibet Travel Documents for Hong Kong Citizens

The Hong Kong citizens don't need a Tibet travel permit to enter and travel Tibet, just bring your Chinese SAR passport and Home Return Permit.

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